Kickstarters©™ have a qualified team to help support your school’s physical education through a range of services for pre- school up to KS1.

PPA Cover
Kickstarters©™ is looking to provide a professional PPA solution to schools by providing structured PE lessons through reading. We have a written P.E scheme of work which incorporates a range of children’s literature like Oliver Jeffers ‘Lost and Found’, Julia Donaldson’s ‘A Squash and A Squeeze’ and Micheal Rosen’s ‘We’re Going On A Bear Hunt’. During these sessions, children will :
- Listen to stories in a group
- Predict what may happen next in a story
- Answer questions about the characters in the book
- Work with other children through teamwork
- Act out the main characters in the story
- Develop fundamental skills like eye/hand co-ordination, throwing, catching and kicking.
The sessions will aid children’s reading for pleasure and also give children added stimulus to write, by immersing themselves into the characters in the stories.
Lunch Time Cover
Kickstarters©™ is looking to provide schools with lunchtime support by offering children organised physical activity sessions linked to youngster’s favourite stories. There will be a range of sports like football, multi-skills and basketball that the learners will take part in. This service can be specific to the schools needs:
- Intervention for behaviour
- Targeting low engaged readers
- Physical activity for specific children

After School & Breakfast Club
Kickstarters©™ is looking to give children an extra-curricular activity by providing fun, organised sessions linked to children’s favourite stories. The focus for these sessions is teamwork, inclusion and enjoyment. There will be a range of sports like football, multi-skills and basketball.
What does my child need to bring?
- Football trainers
- Training kit (shorts & t-shirt)
- Warm clothing for when training outdoors in mild / cold weather
- Water-based drink
Schools Using Our Services
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